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Bridgette's recent publication, "Yes! I Am Fed Up. Now What? 4 Self-Driven Ways to MOVE Your Well-being and Work Forward", sets the foundation for the reader to scrutinize the heart of the issue—the factors causing their frustration. The aim is to stir awareness and motivate the reader to ponder, “Now What?”. Thereupon paving the path to formulate a strategic plan answering their “Now What?”.
Swift Query. Ever found yourself downright EXASPERATED with someone or something in your private or work life? Perhaps you didn't exactly articulate it as EXASPERATED, maybe you conveyed it as feeling overwhelmed or drained. The undeniable truth is, without conscious or intentional approach to shifting from that emotional condition, you will likely find yourself stuck precisely at that point of EXASPERATION, overwhelmed or drained, directly affecting your potential to BE the superior version of you.
Within her book, Bridgette introduces a poignant 4-step method intended to trigger awareness and guide your journey towards your "Now What?". These 4 steps - Self-Analysis, Self-Transformation, Self-Evolution, and Self-Narration—offer valuable insights into strategies and actions that can be deployed to scrutinize the areas of your life that you find ungratifying or unfulfilled—strategies that ultimately aid in unveiling effective means to alter your state of being, which optimally allows growth and aids in constructing the narrative that best represents your life.
As you delve into the book, Bridgette implores you to bear in mind these four powerful terms: master, omit, visualize, and execute, collectively forming the acronym 'MOVE'. Whenever she mentions 'MOVE', she is essentially using this book as a directive on how you can efficiently master, strategically omit, creatively visualize, and effectively execute things you need to sharpen, discard, envision, and materialize respectively, enabling you to evolve into the optimum version of yourself.
The book is interspersed with interactive exercises. It includes tailored worksheets in the final section, designed as a measurement tool for defining your MOVE progression. The concept of "under construction" is key as many times you have to dig deep and renovate, substitute, and remodel in order to efficiently mobilize yourself and MOVE ahead with focus and design. A standout feature of the book is the inspirational insights you'll get from five individuals who had a profound influence on Bridgette's odyssey to BE an enhanced version of herself.
Bridgette's book features exercise activities at the end of each chapter, designed to help readers discover practices they can incorporate into their own journeys of personal growth and transformation. Additionally, the book concludes with a section titled 'Your Under-Construction Worksheets.' If you purchase the Kindle edition, please reach out to Bridgette at to receive the PDF version of printable worksheets by email.
In the evocative work "Broken In Plain Sight," Bridgette beautifully delves into the universe of shattered hearts and bruised spirits. This gripping tale underscores the internal conflict experienced by Uncle Bert-a thriving businessman and prominent state representative. Bert is haunted by self-reproach and remorse for failing to assist his dearly departed sibling, Saddie, when she was alive.
Uncle Bert's denial of aid to Saddie, a hard-working, young, single mother of four daughters, left her feeling devastated and helpless, unable to shield her children from the clutches of homicide, incest, physical maltreatment, and psychological disorders brought about by poverty. As Bert strives to reconstruct his family from their perilous conduct and destructive living patterns, secrets that could potentially shatter the family heritage start to unfurl. Bridgette artfully enthralls the reader with a compelling tale of pain, concealed family secrets, governmental malfeasance, and suicide, which ultimately gives way to truth, healing, and love.
'Broken in Plain Sight' is merely a single selection from Bridgette's captivating book series. These narratives engross readers with realistic struggles, all meticulously designed to educate and inspire people to prioritize their health and wellness. This crucial tenet lives throughout her works.
Bridgette proudly celebrated "Broken In Plain Sight" clinching the prestigious 2012 Christian Literary Reader’s Choice Award (Fiction) held in Dallas, Texas, handed out by Joy & Company via the Christian Literary initiative. An equally cherished accomplishment was partnering with Angela M. Collier and
Chef Hardette in this remarkable literary journey. Both contributed immensely to the book with healthy, innovative recipes included at the conclusion of the narrative. Connect with them on their respective social media platforms and witness the remarkable impacts they've been making in their individual localities.
In "Destined to Live Healthier: Mind, Body, and Soul", the reader embarks on an engaging journey with fascinating characters as they navigate healthier lifestyle decisions amidst their everyday hurdles concerning relationships, career, and finances.
Initially, you will explore the narrative of Laura and Leslie, sisters reclaimed after three decades of separation, who battle a raft of health complications while striving to emancipate themselves from a lifestyle steeped in guilt, duplicity, self-doubt, and acrimony. Following this, you will be introduced to Brenda, a dedicated spouse and mother, as she grapples with economic struggles, a verbally aggressive partner, and a possibly grave health issue. Lastly, you will encounter Maurine, a fresh retiree wrestling with her misguided priorities and detrimental habits post her husband's cardiac event and the tragic loss of a cherished friend to breast cancer.
You will recognize something of yourself and people you know in these characters, and by the time you reach the final page, the characters will be so real that they can serve as catalysts for personal change. Along the way, you’ll learn to take control of your thoughts, emotions, actions and situations to live healthier: mind, body and soul.
Picture a novel specially designed for those grappling with the challenges of incorporating healthier routines in their daily hustle and bustle, amidst pressures and aspirations. Envision delving into the lives of three varied personalities, recognizing similarities with your circumstances, observing their destructive patterns and reflecting on your not-so-healthy decisions. Visualize an appealing narrative that not only amuses, but also spurs you to reassess your priorities, awaken the dormant spirituality within, and understand and cultivate God's divine blueprint for your life.
No need for a flight of fancy. Acclaimed Dallas-based fitness consultant, Trevor MacElroy, highlights the journeys of three exemplary clients - Sarah, Suzanne, and Todd, each adorning their unique life chapters. Each engulfed by the overwhelming stress from their careers, financial situations, belongings, and relations, these individuals overlook the fundamental elements of life, landing them on brittle ground. Their health and wellness are jeopardized by battles with self-doubt, lack of trust, dishonesty, treachery, fear, and negligence that germinate harmful decisions. Resolution eventually dawns when Sarah, Suzanne, and Todd attune to their inner voices, invite help from professionals, and garner familial and friendly support. They learn to reorient their priorities and pare down detrimental lifestyle choices that can court disaster.
IMAGINE LIVING HEALTHIER, formulated in a friendly chit-chat manner, extends a warming and engaging invitation. It proposes an invigorating spark of motivation for the often frazzled and fiercely competitive modern society. An encouraging appendix feature by the name, "Your Guide to Healthier Meals: Re-Imagine Fun in the Kitchen", houses the elaborations of recipes sprinkled all over the book. Bridgette aimed to spearhead the readers on a journey to explore and scrutinize their alternatives for whipping up and savouring nourishing meals.
Bridgette was thrilled when her friend, Joyce Johnson, invited her to contribute her expertise as a co-author for "Color Outside the Lines - Stories of Extraordinary Leadership". Equipped with more than three decades of experience in the human resources (HR) domain, Bridgette has steered leadership across multiple segments like compensation, employee relations, talent development, training, employee benefits, and risk management. As a renowned name in her field, she has imparted her knowledge at various prestigious conferences including the 2018 and 2019 editions of the Texas Association of School Personnel Administrators (TASPA) Summer Conference, the 2019 Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) Midwinter Conference Well-Known Leaders, the 2019 Rigor, Relevance and Relationships Leadership Conference (Keynote Session), and the 2019 iteration of the 23rd Annual Professional Practices Institute.
This leadership tome became Bridgette's platform to voice her unique professional and personal experiences as a leader, including her strategies, obstacles, and adjustments. Bridgette has adeptly boosted the pursuits of organizations and heightened the performance of teams and individuals, through her exceptional coaching and mentoring of leaders and staff. She has an astute understanding of the complex demands of pursuing results, managing resources, and inspiring others to achieve organizational objectives.
In her section, "Be Prepared and Ready to BE!", Bridgette delves into the essential practice of preparation for emerging as a superior leader. Asserting that acknowledging our limitations is key to growth, she emphasizes conducting a self-introspection. This importance stems from the reality that your first test of leadership will be managing your own self. Bridgette guides the reader in realizing that understanding oneself paves the way towards efficiently leading others.
In the book, Bridgette provides her unique perspective on Leadership 101, incorporating her own scalable 'I’s.' She delves into how individuals can hone their skills as a visionary, forward-thinker; a groundbreaking innovator; an effective collaborator; an eloquent communicator; a solid relationship builder; and a dynamic engager. She discloses her concise list of personal core values and underscores their significance. She wraps up by revealing some of her much-loved BE's which constantly remind her to strive for continuous improvement!!!
Bridgette instills the power for the reader to conduct a self-exploration… to curate a personalised edition of leadership insights 101… to breed an exclusive selection of fundamental core values… and to establish personal guiding principles, all aimed at maintaining focus on personal growth and evolution… becoming a superior version of oneself… enhancing individual leadership abilities… and magnifying the positive impact on those within one's sphere of influence and responsibility.
For comprehensive insights about Joyce and her entrepreneurial endeavors, kindly navigate to her official portal at
Bridgette is so honored to have been selected as a contributor for "The Ultimate Runner: Stories and Advice to Keep You Moving." Her story, "Never Give Up: My Journey to Become a Runner", of transitioning from the sofa to the streets to become a marathon runner has inspired many to use running as their fitness option to get fit and stay fit.