A Glimpse of Bridgette's Acting Journey Thus Far...

Upon embarking on her journey in 2017 to become an actor, Bridgette is continuously adding film, television, and voice work to her resume as she is cast in support and extra/background roles. Through her acting classes and acting opportunities, Bridgette has devoted herself to being a lifelong student of acting. She consistently seek resources to assist her as she works diligently to better develop her memorization skills, reading skills, speaking skills, physical stamina, creativity with character choices, listening skills to effectively take direction, rhythm, etc. Having worked a number of years in the field of human resources, one of Bridgette's assets is as a skilled communicator to creatively tell the story she's performing both for the audience and for her potential scene partner(s).

Other Acting Projects

Voice Work

Bridgette was so honored to be a part of "Breaking Three Hours: Trailblazing African American Women Marathoners"  which is a 2022 feature length documentary film directed and written by External link opens in new tab or windowAnthony Renard Reed. It is about nine USA-born, African American women, who ran 26.2-mile marathons in under three hours and were inducted into the National Black Distance Running Hall of Fame. In the documentary, Bridgette is the voice of Harriet Tubman.