A Glimpse of Bridgette's Acting Journey Thus Far...
Commencing her acting adventure in 2017, Bridgette consistently amasses noteworthy roles in film, television, and voice work, encompassing supporting parts and extra/background appearances. Bridgette firmly commits to the perpetual study of acting via her acting classes and opportunities. She persistently explores resources for assisting her as she assiduously hones her memorization techniques, reading prowess, verbal communication, physical endurance, imaginative characterization, and receptive aptitude to efficiently respond to direction, rhythm, and more. Boasting years of experience in human resources, Bridgette excels as a gifted communicator, adroitly narrating the unfolding tale she's portaying, both for the audience's benefit and for potential scene co-actors.
Bridgette's most recent acting projects...
Commercial project for The Museum of Fine Arts
Short film project, "Cinephilia". Check out Bridgette's performance around minute 23:02.
Bridgette's current acting project(s)...
Bridgette beams with anticipation for the forthcoming feature film, HPD Breaking and Entering, in which she secured the significant supporting character 'Mama Bee'. During one notable day of shooting, the narrative illuminates a poignant moment where Mama Bee's son returns to her abode for a familial meal. This high-profile cinematic production is slated for a grand launch in the year 2025.
Other Acting Projects
Voice Work
Bridgette was so honored to be a part of "Breaking Three Hours: Trailblazing African American Women Marathoners" which is a 2022 feature length documentary film directed and written by Anthony Renard Reed. It is about nine USA-born, African American women, who ran 26.2-mile marathons in under three hours and were inducted into the National Black Distance Running Hall of Fame. In the documentary, Bridgette is the voice of Harriet Tubman.